Quotes on Law

Laws or ordinances unobserved, or partially attended to, had better never have been made.
George Washington

Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny.
Edmund Burke

The law is the public conscience.
Thomas Hobbes

The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.
Anatole France

Every new time will give its law.
Maxim Gorky

Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through.
Jonathan Swift

The law was made for one thing alone, for the exploitation of those who don't understand it.
Bertolt Brecht

Laws grind the poor, and rich men rule the law.
Oliver Goldsmith

Law is an imperfect profession in which success can rarely be achieved without some sacrifice of principle. Thus all practicing lawyers -- and most others in the profession -- will necessarily be imperfect, especially in the eyes of young idealists. There is no perfect justice, just as there is no absolute in ethics. But there is perfect injustice, and we know it when we see it.
Alan Dershowitz

I don't go by what the law say. The law's liable to say anything. I go by if it's right or not. It don't matter what the law say. I take and look at it for myself.
Auguest Wilson

In all governments, there must of necessity be both the law and the sword; laws without arms would give us not liberty, but licentiousness; and arms without laws, would produce not subjection, but slavery.
Charles Colton

There is but one law for all, namely, that law which governs all law, the law of our Creator, the law of humanity, justice, equity -- the law of nature and of nations.
Edmund Burke

Lawyers are the only persons in whom ignorance of the law is not punished.
Jeremy Bentham

There never was a law yet made, I conceive, that hit the taste exactly of every man, or every part of the community; of course, if this be a reason for opposition, no law can be executed at all without force, and every man or set of men will in that case cut and carve for themselves; the consequences of which must be deprecated by all classes of men, who are friends to order, and to the peace and happiness of the country.
George Washington

Justice is immortal, eternal, and immutable, like God himself; and the development of law is only then a progress when it is directed towards those principles which, like him, are eternal; and whenever prejudice or error succeeds in establishing in customary law any doctrine contrary to eternal justice.
Louis Kossuth

Laws are not masters but servants, and he rules them who obeys them.
Henry Beecher

Law intends indeed to do service to human life, but it is not able when men do not choose to accept her services; for it is only in those who are obedient to her that she displays her special virtue.

Ignorance of the law is no good excuse, where every man is bound to take notice of the laws to which he is subject.
Thomas Hobbes

Law is not law, if it violates the principles of eternal justice.
Lydia Child

If a man sets out to study all the laws, he will have no time left to transgress them.
Johann Goethe

Laws are a nation's egotism.
Edward Counsel

The judge is nothing but the law speaking.
Benjamin Whichcote

Law without justice is a wound without a cure.
William Downey

Laws had a bad habit of being ignored or abrogated when societal push came to totalitarian shove.
Dan Simmons

He who dethrones the idea of law, bids chaos welcome in its stead.
Horace Mann

It usually takes a hundred years to make a law, and then, after it has done its work, it usually takes a hundred years to get rid of it.
Henry Beecher

The final test of civilization of a people is the respect they have for law.
Lewis Korns

The code of poor laws has at length grown up into a tree, which, like the fabulous Upas, overshadows and poisons the land; unwholesome expedients were the bud, dilemmas and depravities have been the blossom, and danger and despair are the bitter fruit.
Charles Colton

The law is like Swiss cheese. The holes are the truth, and lawyers are like roaches crawling through the cheese. You can use the holes to get from one part of the cheese to another, but you can't eat the holes, you can only eat the cheese.
Don Nigro

Laws change as the seasons.
Edward Counsel

A law is valuable, not because it is a law, but because there is right in it.
Henry Beecher

There are times, too, when the law doesn't give a damn who gets caught beneath its wheels.
Susanne Alleyn

People are more afraid of the laws of Man than of God, because their punishment seems to be nearest.
William Penn

Courts are places where the ending is written first and all that precedes is simply vaudeville.
Charles Bukowski

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