Inspirational Quotes from Movies - God Father

Each man has his own destiny.
Don Vito Corleone

Never get angry. Never make a threat. Reason with people.
Don Vito Corleone

I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse. 
Don Vito Corleone

A lawyer with his briefcase can steal more than a hundred men with guns.
Don Vito Corleone

Never hate your enemies. It clouds your judgement.
Michael Corleone

Being kind to a fellow man is profitable, in every sense. Both personally and bottom line.
Michael Corleone

Mikey, why don't you tell that nice girl you love her? (Mocking) "I love you with all-a my heart, if I don't see-a you again soon, I'm-a gonna die..."

I believe in America. America has made my fortune. And I raised my daughter in the American fashion. I gave her freedom, but I taught her never to dishonor her family. She found a boyfriend; not an Italian. She went to the movies with him; she stayed out late. I didn't protest. Two months ago, he took her for a drive, with another boyfriend. They made her drink whiskey. And then they tried to take advantage of her. She resisted. She kept her honor. So they beat her, like an animal. When I went to the hospital, her nose was a'broken. Her jaw was a'shattered, held together by wire. She couldn't even weep because of the pain. But I wept. Why did I weep? She was the light of my life, a beautiful girl. Now she will never be beautiful again. I went to the police, like a good American. These two boys were brought to trial. The judge sentenced them to three years in prison - suspended sentence. Suspended sentence! They went free that very day! I stood in the courtroom like a fool. And those two bastards, they smiled at me. Then I said to my wife, for justice, we must go to Don Corleone. 

I, too, don't believe in drugs. For years I paid my people extra to stay away from that sort of stuff, but someone comes along saying, I've got powders where if you put up a three to four thousand dollar investment, you can make fifty thousand distributing, then there is no way to resist it. I want to keep it respectable. I don't want it near schools. I don't want it sold to children! That's an infamia. In my city, we'd keep the traffic to the Dark People, the Coloreds - they're animals anyway, so let them lose their souls.
Don Zaluchi
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